CT Paid Leave
2 min readMay 16, 2024


May is Maternal Mental Health Month

Hartford CT — The Connecticut Paid Leave Authority reminded Connecticut residents today that paid leave benefits are available to mothers seeking mental health care if they are experiencing a serious health condition. A serious health condition means an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care or continuing treatment by a health care provider. Paid leave can help women with conditions such as postpartum depression, which effects one in eight women, by providing income replacement so they can participate in treatment without worrying about finances.

“Pregnancy and a new baby can bring on a range of emotions including feeling overwhelmed, sad or anxious before, during and after a child is born,” said Erin Choquette, CEO of the CT Paid Leave Authority. “For some women, these feelings don’t go away and medical help is needed to treat their depression or anxiety. Paid leave makes it possible for these mothers to access treatment without adding financial stresses.”

The risk factors for postpartum depression that women should be aware of include having experienced depression before, having a family history of depression, having problems with previous pregnancies or births, having little or no support, having experienced domestic violence or having financial stress. While there are many reasons why a person might develop postpartum depression, support, treatment and healing are all possible.

“Depression and anxiety during pregnancy or after birth can affect not only the mother but the child’s health as well,” said Shannon Knox and Brittany Needham, Founders and Full-Spectrum Doulas at Golden Radiance Village. “A newborn’s development is linked to the bond they feel with their parents, so it is vitally important that moms be able to access a doctor’s help if they need it. For many families like the ones we serve, removing barriers for those seeking care is an essential step to putting them on the path to good health.”

To apply for CT Paid Leave benefits online, workers will first need to create an account with CT.gov. This will provide the applicant with a single identity and will take approximately 10 minutes. The applicant can then submit their claim online. Claims may also be filed by phone by calling (877) 499–8606. Hours of operation for a live representative are 8 AM to 8 PM ET, Monday through Friday.

For more information about CT Paid Leave and how to apply, please visit www.ctpaidleave.org.



CT Paid Leave

CT Paid Leave’s mission is to provide employees with pathways to accessible paid family leave benefits.